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Who's who
Agencies and organisations involved with the countryside
National Trust
The Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds
The Woodland Trust
Natural England
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Natural Resources Wales
The Forestry Commission
The Wildlife Trusts
The Herpetological Conservation Trust
National Trust for Scotland
Butterfly Conservation
The Wildfowl and Wetland Trust
The John Muir Trust
The People's Trust for Endangered Species
The Vincent Wildlife Trust
Other UK Government Organisations
Government organisations relevant to practical conservation, which do not necessarily own and manage land for conservation. Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs for England & Wales (see especially the DEFRA
Environment Index).
Scottish Natural Heritage
The Countryside Council for
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
The Forestry Commission
The Environment
Agency (England & Wales)
English Heritage
of Defence. This massive landowner has some superb conservation sites which
are managed, often very well, for conservation when not needed for defence purposes.
Their conservation and heritage magazine 'Sanctuary' is fascinating reading,
and can be read online.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH)
SEPA The Scottish Environment Protection Agency
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers)
The Countryside Management
IEEM: a professional body which represents
and supports ecologists and environmental managers in the UK and abroad.
Country Land and Business Association
British Trust for Ornithology:
the alma mater of Britain's bird ringers
WWF-UK: this long-established
organisation is active in the UK as well as around pandas. Find out more at
this site.
Outdoor Recreation Network:
some very erudite and helpful papers about Countryside Recreation, plus references
to lots more.
Fields in Trust (formerly the National Playing Fields Association): see particularly the FIT Fields Toolkit a guide to help you ensure the success and sustainability of your outdoor spaces.
Groundwork Trusts: to do with urban
regeneration and business partnerships and so on.
Young People's Trust for the Environment
and Nature Conservation: an educational charity.
Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland
Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (formerly The Game Conservancy Trust)
Ramblers Association: all about walking
and rights of way.
Hostels Association : should they be on this list? Probably not, but we
like them.
Common Ground: arts and community
events based on 'a sense of place' and 'local distinctiveness'. And apples.
Has a truly beautiful and inspiring website (and we don't usually get so lyrical
about anything), a part of which is reproduced on the right.
Association for Heritage Interpretation: Organisation to do with interpretation of Britain's heritage, including the countryside, mainly aimed at professionals working in this field. Variously known in the past as the Society for the Interpretation of Britain's Heritage (SIBH), and Interpret Britain.
The Arboricultural Association :
to do with amenity tree planting and maintenance.
Keep Britain Tidy: (formerly Tidy Britain Group and Encams), organisers
of the famous National
Spring Clean.
Birdlife International
British Ornithologists’ Union (BOU)
Loddon Fisheries & Conservation Consultative
Would you like to put your organisation on the above list? Drop us a line, it'll cost you nothing.