The rising tide of spam
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Every now and again – well, about every six months actually – The Ranger delves into his email server to shake his head mournfully at the amount of spam arriving. In February 2006 he was getting about 1000 spams per day. Not much fun. By November 2006 this had risen to about 2000 per day, with a clear upward trend. Here’s today’s graph:

Yikes! 4000 spams per day? Thank goodness the Ranger does not have to look through all those by hand any more. Sadly, this is at the cost of no doubt a small but significant number of real messages being lost to false positives, or people simply not bothering to respond to the spam challenge email that a new sender will get from Naturenet. What does this mean? Well, not much really, but one thing is clear: those who have been predicting the end of spam, and those who put their faith in the many new laws which have been introduced to restrict it, were wrong. Perhaps some other solution is needed.