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Links to sites outside the UK

Many areas, organisations and sites around the world have produced Web resources of their own. Many of these refer to National Parks, which are often quite different from Nature Reserves, and vary greatly from country to country. If you are interested in nature reserves in particular, there are several international designations which, if you can find them, give a more reliable indication of nature conservation value.

Here are some of the links Naturenet has found. This is probably the most dodgy page on the site, because many of these links are terribly slow, constantly changing, or just plain incomprehensible. Please do offer suggestions and contributions. Please. Furthermore, as the number of sites increases exponentially, we've given up all pretence of keeping up. This is just a few of the links there are... there are plenty more.

Although these links are mostly in English, we would accept non-English submissions, however, we can't normally review them so follow any such at your peril...

United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas 1993 This list is not quite up to date but has entries for almost every country in the world. Little information is shown per site, but there are a great many of them and the status and name of most major protected areas and National Parks is given up until 1993.
National Parks Worldwide - Directory by continents & countries Something else.
World National Parks Page This site is dedicated to providing information on all National Parks

North America



South America & Caribbean

Asia and the Middle East (not Pacific)


Europe and Eastern Europe, except the UK

Not much here in English, but see above.


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