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Matthew Chatfield
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As well as hundreds of regularly updated pages, Find out all about gribbles here!visit 'the ranger's blog' - featuring not only Naturenet and countryside related stuff, but, as on Naturenet, plenty of other material - more or less at random - that takes The Ranger's fancy. But you can be confident that soon enough he'll be rather sarcastic.

The Ranger's Blog

The Ventilator

Turning the Wight’s blue rinse tide into a sea of red

“A NEW ERA! Watched BBC election coverage til 4am – a landslide Labour victory and a new MP for the

Complaining about the Mainland

After reading an epistle from an irate mainlander I was moved to send the following letter to the editor of

Are you emergency ready?

There’s an enduring quote by a Greek philosopher which goes, “We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea

Will YOUR face fit in the digital future?

I’m writing this almost a year to the day that the government introduced legislation requiring voters to show certain sanctioned

A revolutionary way of mobilising children

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has demanded more police action to mitigate for how “mob rule is replacing democratic rule”. Now,

Wake up and smell the hash

Humans broadly fall into two camps: early risers and late to bed-ers. Whether you are a lark or an owl






This page was last updated:
5 March, 2018


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Pinkeye Graphics

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The effects of tourism on the environment user conflicts in parks: find help with these popular essay questions here

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