Biodiversity & Geodiversity
in the United Kingdom
or a general introduction and overview, read the first article. If you want to know what a particular abbreviation stands for, click on it below.
A Guide Through the Mire':
a useful article by Katherine A Hearn explaining the UK Biodiversity Strategy.
Some of this has now been superceded but it is still worth a read.
conserving what's underfoot:
adapted from the article ‘A Geodiversity Action Plan for Suffolk’ by
Tim Holt-Wilson.
National Biodiversity Network: a good starting
point for almost anything to do with UK biodiversity.
National Vegetation Classification
rECOrd: the Biodiversity Information
System for Cheshire, Halton, Warrington and the Wirral. Some day we'll all have
one of these near us, if we're very lucky. In the meantime go and look at this
UK Biodiversity Group (part of
the JNCC): the official UK Biodiversity site. Well worth visiting if you are
looking for some serious information and contacts.
Wild on Wight: comprehensive site
about biodiversity on the Isle of Wight, including a set of local Habitat Action
Plans and some lovely photographs and wallpaper you can download.
Commission Biodiversity: lots of forestry-related research information here.
2002: the latest incarnation of the biological recorders' favourite computer
program now available via this site.
Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group:
information about biodiversity in general, BAPs and the process in Nottinghamshire,
as well as ideas for things that everyone can do to help. It also has links
to many other useful sites about biodiversity.
Biodiversity Value - WORLDMAP: quantitative measures of biodiversity value,
rarity and endemism, and assessing the priority of areas for biodiversity conservation.
The Wychwood Project, Oxfordshire:
woodland biodiversity project.