Biosphere Reserve
iosphere reserves are internationally designated reserves, designated
by UNESCO under the Man and the Biosphere
Programme. There are relatively few such reserves, only nine in the UK. All
UK Biosphere Reserves are also at least in part NNRs
and SSSIs.
There are 225 biosphere reserves in 31 countries (Last updated: June 2004). Biosphere reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal/marine
ecosystems, where, through appropriate zoning patterns and management mechanisms,
the conservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity is combined with the sustainable
use of natural resources for the benefit of local communities, including relevant
research, monitoring, education and training activities. They thus represent
a tool for implementing the concerns of Agenda 21, the Convention on Biological
Diversity and other international agreements. The future development of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves
will be guided by the Strategy and Statutes for the world network which was
drawn up at the International Conference on Biosphere Reserves held in Seville
in March 1995. A full
list of UK biosphere reserves.
UNESCO Man and the Biosphere.