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Schedule 9 Species
Animals and plants to which Section 14 applies
Note. The common name or names given in this Schedule are included by way of guidance only; in the event of any dispute or proceedings, the common name or names shall not be taken into account. Check the actual legislation for the scientific names.
Schedule 9 Part 1
Part 1: Animals which are established in the wild
Common name | Scientific name |
Bass, Large-mouthed Black | Micropterus salmoides |
Bass, Rock | Ambloplites rupestris |
Bitterling | Rhodeus sericeus |
Capercaillie | Tetrao urogallus |
Crayfish, Noble | Astacus astacus |
Crayfish, Signal | Pacifastacus leniusculus |
Crayfish, Turkish | Astacus leptodactylus |
Deer, Muntjac | Muntiacus reevesi |
Deer, Sika | Cervus nippon |
Deer, any hybrid one of whose parents or other lineal ancestor was a Sika Deer | Any hybrid of Cervus nippon |
Dormouse, Fat | Glis glis |
Duck, Carolina Wood | Aix sponsa |
Duck, Mandarin | Aix galericulata |
Duck, Ruddy | Oxyura jamaicensis |
Eagle, White-tailed | Haliaetus albicilla |
Flatworm, New Zealand | Artiposthia triangulata |
Frog, Edible | Rana esculenta |
Frog, European Tree (otherwise known as Common tree frog) | Hyla arborea |
Frog, Marsh | Rana ridibunda |
Goose, Canada | Branta canadensis |
Goose, Egyptian | Alopochen aegyptiacus |
Heron, Night | Nycticorax nycticorax |
Lizard, Common Wall | Podarcis muralis |
Marmot, Prairie (otherwise known as Prairie dog) | Cynomys |
Mink, American | Mustela vison |
Newt, Alpine | Triturus alpestris |
Newt, Italian Crested | Triturus carnifex |
Owl, Barn | Tyto alba |
Parakeet, Ring-necked | Psittacula krameri |
Partridge, Chukar | Alectoris chukar |
Partridge, Rock | Alectoris graeca |
Pheasant, Golden | Chrysolophus pictus |
Pheasant, Lady Amherst’s | Chrysolophus amherstiae |
Pheasant, Reeves’ | Syrmaticus reevesii |
Pheasant, Silver | Lophura nycthemera |
Pumpkinseed (otherwise known as Sun-fish or Pond-perch) | Lepomis gibbosus |
Rat, Black | Rattus rattus |
Snake, Aesculapian | Elaphe longissima |
Squirrel, Grey | Sciurus carolinensis |
Terrapin, European Pond | Emys orbicularis |
Toad, African Clawed | Xenopus laevis |
Toad, Midwife | Alytes obstetricans |
Toad, Yellow-bellied | Bombina variegata |
Wallaby, Red-necked | Macropus rufogriseus |
Wels (otherwise known as European catfish) | Silurus glanis |
Zander | Stizostedion lucioperca |
The following animals were added to Schedule 9 by The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedule 9) (England and Wales) Order 2010:
Common name | Scientific name |
Boar, Wild | Sus scrofa |
Chough | Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax |
Corncrake | Crex crex |
Crab, Chinese Mitten | Eriocheir sinensis |
Crane, Common | Grus grus |
Crayfish, Red Swamp | Procambarus clarkii |
Crayfish, Spiny-cheek | Orconectes limosus |
Deer, Chinese Water | Hydropotes inermis |
Flatworm | Kontikia andersoni |
Flatworm | Kontikia ventrolineata |
Flatworm, Australian | Australoplana sanguinea |
Goose, Bar-headed | Anser indicus |
Goose, Barnacle | Branta leucopsis |
Goose, Emperor | Anser canagicus |
Goose, Snow | Anser caerulescens |
Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis |
Kite, Red | Milvus milvus |
Limpet, Slipper | Crepidula fornicata |
Owl, Eagle | Bubo bubo |
Oyster Drill, American | Urosalpinx cinerea |
Parakeet, Monk | Myiopsitta monachus |
Pochard, Red-crested | Netta rufina |
Shelduck, Ruddy | Tadorna ferruginea |
Swan, Black | Cygnus atratus. |
Schedule 9 Part II
Part II: Plants
Common name | Scientific name |
Fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana |
Fern, Water | Azolla filiculoides |
Fig, Hottentot | Carpobrotus edulis |
Hogweed, Giant | Heracleum mantegazzianum |
Hyacinth, water | Eichhornia crassipes |
Kelp, Giant | Macrocystis angustifolia |
Kelp, Giant | Macrocystis integrifolia |
Kelp, Giant | Macrocystis laevis |
Kelp, Giant | Macrocystis pyrifera |
Kelp, Japanese | Laminaria japonica |
Name changed in 2010 |
Leek, Few-flowered | Allium paradoxum |
Lettuce, water | Pistia stratiotes |
Parrot's-feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum |
Pennywort, Floating | Hydrocotyle ranunculoides |
Salvinia, Giant | Salvinia molesta |
Seaweed, Californian Red | Pikea californica |
Seaweed, Hooked Asparagus | Asparagopsis armata |
Seaweed, Japanese | Sargassum muticum |
Seaweeds, Laver (except native species) |
Porphyra spp except
- P. amethystea P. leucosticta P. linearis P. miniata P. purpurea P. umbilicalis |
Shallon | Gaultheria shallon |
Stonecrop, Australian swamp | Crassula helmsii |
Wakame | Undaria pinnatifida |
Waterweed, Curly | Lagarosiphon major |
The following plants were added to Schedule 9 by The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedule 9) (England and Wales) Order 2010:
Common name | Scientific name |
Alexanders, Perfoliate | Smyrnium perfoliatum |
Algae, Red | Grateloupia luxurians |
Archangel, Variegated Yellow | Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum |
Azalea, Yellow | Rhododendron luteum |
Balsam, Himalayan | Impatiens glandulifera |
Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster horizontalis |
Cotoneaster, Entire-leaved | Cotoneaster integrifolius |
Cotoneaster, Himalayan | Cotoneaster simonsii |
Cotoneaster, Hollyberry | Cotoneaster bullatus |
Cotoneaster, Small-leaved | Cotoneaster microphyllus |
Creeper, False Virginia | Parthenocissus inserta |
Creeper, Virginia | Parthenocissus quinquefolia |
Dewplant, Purple | Disphyma crassifolium |
Fanwort (otherwise known as Carolina Water-Shield) | Cabomba caroliniana |
Fern, Water | Azolla filiculoides |
Fig, Hottentot | Carpobrotus edulis |
Garlic, Three-cornered | Allium triquetrum |
Hyacinth, Water | Eichhornia crassipes |
Knotweed, Giant | Fallopia sachalinensis |
Knotweed, Hybrid | Fallopia japonica x Fallopia sachalinensis |
Knotweed, Japanese | Fallopia japonica |
Leek, Few-flowered | Allium paradoxum |
Lettuce, Water | Pistia stratiotes |
Montbretia | Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora |
Parrot's Feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum |
Pennywort, Floating | Hydrocotyle ranunculoides |
Potato, Duck | Sagittaria latifolia |
Primrose, Floating Water | Ludwigia peploides |
Primrose, Water | Ludwigia grandiflora |
Primrose, Water | Ludwigia uruguayensis |
Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum |
Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum x Rhododendron maximum |
Rhubarb, Giant | Gunnera tinctoria |
Rose, Japanese | Rosa rugosa |
Salvinia, Giant | Salvinia molesta |
Seafingers, Green | Codium fragile |
Stonecrop, Australian Swamp (otherwise known as New Zealand Pygmyweed) | Crassula helmsii |
Waterweed, Curly | Lagarosiphon major |
Waterweeds | All species of the genus Elodea. |