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The best miniature stuffed Victorian naturalist ever!

Matthew Chatfield
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Thanks to Ranger reader Rowan, another fan of Charles Darwin, The Ranger now has a little companion in his room:

Charles Darwin doll

Although Mr Darwin could have been installed on top of the wardrobe in the bedroom, with a select few other treasured soft toys of considerable vintage; one look at Charles’ stern visage resolved The Ranger that he should sit, sensibly, on the bookshelf, custodian of the condensed wisdom of some of his successors. Made by ‘Little Thinkers‘, Mr Darwin’s effigy is one of a wide range of famous people with easily caricatured features, including other scientists such as Einstein and da Vinci; Shakespeare, Wilde, Socrates and Gandhi. There is also a toy Vincent van Gogh with detachable ear, and, anomalously, Sherlock Holmes. The Ranger has no wish to collect the whole set, so put away those credit cards.

Matthew Chatfield

Uncooperative crusty. Unofficial Isle of Wight cultural ambassador. Conservation, countryside and the environment, with extra stuff about spiders.

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