What others have said about Naturenet

Get this - we've been around for absolutely ages, and all sorts of people have linked to us. some have nice things to say - others perhaps just mention us, or get our name wrong, but hey, we're not fussy, so here's a selection in case you were going to just take our word for it.

Note that many of the links on this page are historic, and so don't work. We have given up chasing them, as nobody ever looks at them anyway - except you, today, of course.

Jan 2007
BBC Wales: "Naturenet - UK Countryside and Nature Conservation. Visit the virtual ranger and ask your nature questions, or have a look through the site to findinformation about volunteering, countryside laws, opinions or biodiversity. A great resource with a colourful approach that tackles arange of matters big and small. It contains helpful links and a good list of organisations. website:".

March 2005

A 'Selected Website' at the Natural History Museum Biodiversity and Worldmap website.

March 2005
From Findmaster: "Education in the UK countryside and conservation areas is at covering just about all the queries you are likely to raise about environmental issues, nature reserves and even countryside law. Lots of links to other sites with similar info".
Sept 2004
From the BTCV Hedgelaying manual printed and online: " A countryside management and nature conservation site for rangers and countryside volunteers, with useful information on countryside law, rights of way and other matters".
Sept 2004
From the National Trust downloadable 'Learning and Discovery' factsheets: "Naturenet is a great source of information on nature conservation in the UK. Link to".
Sept 2004
On the UK Government DEFRA website at the 'UK Focal Point on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing'. Yes really. No, no idea: "Naturenet – information on practical nature conservation and countryside management".
Oct 2002

In the UK Government DEFRA Science Directorate links page: "Naturenet –information on practical nature conservation and countryside management". Hardly overwhelming praise but, hey, it's DEFRA.

Oct 2002

Lancashire County Council in 'Lancashire's Countryside and Environment Education' says this: " is an on-line resource, providing a whole host of information on the Countryside and Nature in the UK. An independent site and well worth a visit, having an entire section devoted to Environmental Education and Interpretation ( providing resources for teachers, work sheets, games, information and links to recommended sites".

Feb 2002
Dorset County Council says: "This invaluable site contains all the advice you could need about the countryside - what you can do and how to go about it".
Jan 2002
In BBC Onelife Dream Jobs - Conservation: "Nature Net: Lots of useful tips on how to get into conservation, including links for conservation volunteer groups. Website:".
July 2001
In National Geographic Information Central: " This is a directory of practical conservation and nature reserves, primarily in the United Kingdom; global coverage is planned. It includes a reference section giving information about organizations involved in nature conservation and formal designations given to reserves, parks, and other sites. This site is maintained by volunteers".
July 2001

In BBC Online Wales: "Naturenet. Get to know your public rights of way, learn about biodiversity and more in this site for wildlife enthusiasts."

June 2001
Praise from the BBC Online Webguide: "A wealth of info on the countryside, with particular emphasis on what the law says on controversial topics such as shooting and hunting. There’s even advice on what to do should you come across ‘treasure’". Last Checked 11 Jun 2001" (copied 16 November 2001)
Nov 2001
Natural History Museum list of Selected Websites in some very august company.
6 Oct 2000

Review in New Scientist Weblinks October 2000: "Naturenet - Countryside Management & Nature Conservation - An excellent site produced on a voluntary basis and needing sponsorship! It aims to be a good resource for those involved in any capacity in practical conservation in the UK and it undoubtedly succeeds. The sub-sections are too numerous to list but include countryside law; rights of way; biodiversity; comprehensive lists of conservation agencies and organisations (with links); environmental education; careers and training and volunteering information. Give it a visit".

July/August 2000
From the newsletter of the Shell Better Britain Campaign: "No biodiversity surfer should miss the chance to visit Naturenet, a highly professional, deeply characterful and wonderfully rich site. If only all the web were like this. Naturenet www.naturenet,org". We blush, and squirm with pleasure. Shame they got the address wrong!

They had a second, less overwhelming, but more accurate stab at it when they wrote: "An excellent online resource for those interested in conservation exists as Naturenet" in their Shell Better Britain Campaign Information Sheet G1 09/05/01

2 Jan 1999
Review in The Search Engine, the Guardian New Media Department's Web Picks from The Guardian newspaper (yes, the paper one, not online): " You might not be aware that appreciating nature is a highly political activity. Naturenet is a first-class guide to countryside management and nature conservation issues, as well as countryside law. Also included is "Ask The Ranger", your chance to put questions to a slightly caustic ranger. It doesn't cover fruit farms, garden centres and craft centres, which is as good a reason as any to visit". [Only slightly caustic? Hmm. Ed]
first in 1998 and various other entries since
Do you always believe what you read in Yahoo? We do. It used to be a directory kind of thing - this was before you were born, honey - and this is what they said about us then: "Look no further than Naturenet. Plainly someone has put a lot of thought into the design of this site. It's simple to find what you're looking for and offers easy access to a range of information on nature sites across the UK, with links to many local organisations".How can we deny it?
Aug 1998
Praise from the BBC Online Webguide: "Naturenet offers a wealth of information for British wildlife enthusiasts. Access material on topical issues like biodiversity and public rights of way. Link to conservation groups or join an environmental newsgroup. You can email the Naturenet Ranger with your pressing queries (e.g. "What should I do if I find bats in my roof?") or volunteer for work in a National Park. The site is well laid out and surprisingly easy to navigate considering its size."
June 1998
TV Fame (almost). Naturenet was selected to be a part of a website supporting Meridian TV programmes about pets and animals. Wahoo!
Naturenet's entry in the independently researched UK Yellow Web Search ( "If you want to know more about nature reserves in Britain, natural protection and conservation, look into this site. You will find a wealth of information, guidance from a cyber ranger, contacts with environmental groups and references. A great idea to improve the level of care we can have for our environment".
Aug 1996

An extract from BBC Wildlife magazine saying how brilliant Naturenet is, and comparing us favourably with the Wildlife Trusts site. BBC Wildlife Magazine August 1996: note our URL has changed since then! This is also a nostalgic (albeit fuzzy) glimpse of our original logo and colours, first seen in 1995, before a redesign by Vet Design in 1998.

(Dates for websites when shown are for first appearances that we spotted. The quote may still be there or not, depending on the site.)
