CV - The Conservation Volunteers - is a charity supporting practical conservation work by volunteers throughout Britain. It does all sorts of stuff including supporting many local groups across the country, running training courses, and organising working holidays. it used to be called the 'British Trust for Conservation Volunteers' but it dropped that and was only called BTCV, and since 2012 going one further it has become TCV. In fact, BTCV once contacted Naturenet and said that the old name was 'no longer legal'! So be careful if you want to use that subversive old-style terminology.
TCV is a good way to get experience of the conservation industry. Many full time workers started off volunteering through TCV. Click here for an example.
The series of TCV practical handbooks written mostly in the 1990s and early 2000s are the definitive publications giving comprehensive information about practical management tasks aimed at volunteer groups. The illustrations and meaasurements included often give really helpful guidance for those wanting to try a task such as coppicing or tree planting. The books are highly recommended by Naturenet. Although the books are old they are still well worth it.
Unfortunately they are now in many cases out of print. You can buy some of them here, and there is a subscription service if you want to pay to read them online.
The Conservation Volunteers Tel: 01302 388 883 Fax: 01302 311 531 |